Saturday 7 January 2012

I survived!!!

First week of school... much has been said and shared over the years... in anticipation of Son1's new academic year. Well, the first week has come, and has gone; much to my relief!

I was rather apprehensive as any new Primary School mother will tell you. Will my child interact well? Will the teachers be kind and patient with him? Will he have friends? Will he cry? Will he know what to do? Does he know how to even ask to go to the toilet? The anxiety is endless, and the questions never ending. I recall waking up just praying over these.

I am glad! So very glad. The Lord has answered not just one... but many of my prayers in meeting Son1 at his points of needs in the new environment.

The form teacher as I come to know, is the best in the school.
One of the teacher aides is my friend who volunteered her service for the first week.
The cousin happens to be in the same class.
Son1 is enjoying his new school and friends, and never once shed a tear even when he's lost in the compound. (He proudly introduced Son2 to his new friends; even Son2 likes kor kor's school :)

To this, praise be to the Lord! Now, even I am looking forward to school. LOL.

The journey has begun. It will be a non-stop journey till he wears his mortar board again.

And it's my prayer that I can be instrumental and be supportive of his new milestone. I shall always remember that my role is to guide and pray. And to that, Son1, I love you and I promise to always be there on my knees for you.

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