Tuesday 28 February 2012

Quiche Lorraine

I Loooooooooove quiche with a capital L.

I remember when I was pregnant with Son1, I had this longing for Quiche Lorraine from Delifrance. Promptly during tea time at 4pm, I will head downstairs from my office, get a quiche and chomp it down. So good. So fulfilling. So satisfied.

Now that my numbers have multiplied, there is NO way I can buy quiche daily for my brood. In any case, if you can bake it yourself effortlessly, why bother to buy?

Man who has never tried a single quiche says my quiche is good! *curtsey* So, next mission,... Mushroom Onion, Vegetarian Quiche, Spinach Mushroom, quiche and more quiche...

Here's what you'd need:

* Shortcrust pastry (you can use puff pastry too)
* Ham (I used honey baked ham)
* Bacon
* Onion (1/2 will do)
* 8 tbsp Whipping Cream (I used Emborg)
* 3 eggs

This is what I did:

1. Cut the ham into square slices. Slice bacon into 1-inch thick.

2. Dice onions.

3. In a pan with a little oil, saute the bacon till brown and crispy. Add in the onions and ham. Fry till cooked.

4. Dish up and set aside.

5. Line your greased pie tray with thawed shortcrust pastry sheet. With a fork, lightly poke at the pastry sheet. (Do not poke through!).

6. Pour in the ham filling.

7. In a clean bowl, beat eggs and whipping cream lightly till blended. Add into tray of ham filling.

8. Bake at 170degC for 30mins till egg custard is set.

9. Let it sit and cool for about 10mins before removing quiche from tray. Serve warm with a cuppa!

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