Oft times, I am glad I have (temporary) amnesia.

Adapted from Wendy. Regrets, my photo didn't capture the green. Sigh. I should set up my DSLR next time. The thought of it... double sigh...
Here's what you'd need:
* Pack of Xiao Bai Cai
* Fish paste
* Wolfberry
* Corn starch
* Garlic
* Chicken Stock powder
This is what I did:
1. Cut xiao bai cai into half, longitudinally.
2. Boil it slightly in water (to soften the stem slightly; be careful not to overcook like me! You'll end up with mustardy veg)
3. Drain and set aside. Dust the stem area with corn starch (to hold the fish paste).
4. With a spoon, scoop fish paste on it. Dot it with wolfberry.
5. Line them up neatly in a round plate. Steam for 10-12mins till fish paste is cooked.
6. Remove from steamer to stop the heating process. Set aside.
7. In a bowl, add 1 tsp of corn starch, 1 tsp of chicken stock powder, and 1 soup spoon of water. Stir to dissolve.
8. In a wok with oil, fry garlic slightly. Add in the stock and stir quickly.
9. Drizzle onto the steamed xiao bai cai. Serve.
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