You know, I never fancy female authors. I find male authors more 'crisp' (aka crispier. LOL)... matter-of-fact... to the point... less words more impact... factual... less emotive...
The same can be said about all my other favorite authors... Tom Clancy, Jeffrey Archer, John Grisham,...
Somehow, Jodi Picoult of the world doesn't quite appeal to me. I have no idea why. Perhaps the only other female authors that I like are Tess Gerristen, Patricia Cornwell... And when it comes to Devotional Titles like these, almost no female authors appeal to me.

Take a look at the state of my book. LOL. Can you beat that?!
But I have to read this book. And I'm loving every minute of it. Not only does it lead me to pray more fervently for my boys, it opens my eyes to the Heart of my Creator -- the Originator of Life and Creator of Heaven and Earth.
I'm doing this as a weekly devotional prayer book with a group of 2 other ladies. And I'm so blessed by them. By their sharing, encouragements, support and prayers.
Weekly we gather together to go through chapter, sharing and praying for our broods.
One of my greatest reflections and awakenings from this book -- God my Creator, loves my boys more than anything else. And wants our partnership with Him to bring our children into His Fold. The author leads us into prayer for allllllllllll aspects of our children's life. From Praying Through a Child' Room (Chap18) to Growing in Faith (Chap 30), it releases power unto the child as we sojourn through this space. Nothing is trivial in God's sight -- no matter what we think otherwise.
My boys are young - 6y, 2y and 4m. Just the right time to start praying and committing them to a lifetime of holiness unto the Lord. Really, as we live in this world, are you not troubled by its standards, its decaying morals, the lies and deception? Where is our Hope? I put my Faith in the Infallible God.
And so, I urge Christian parents to get hold of this book and get hold of God for your children.They are too precious to be left on their own in this lost world.
"Behold! Children are a heritage from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward." (Psalm 127:3)
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